A Technical Guide on Implementation of Cloud Storage Security Measures in Firms

Marketing Team Cloud Security Expert - CloudCodes Software
  • February 11th, 2021

Cloud Storage Security Measures

Today’s era is changing day-by-day with innovation in technologies in different areas. One such technology is cloud computing that offers a broad range of benefits to end-users, including the feature to scale up and down rapidly for fulfilling demands. However, few organizations – specifically highly-regulated companies like financial firms – have slowed down cloud use. It is so because they have major concerns about cloud security. In this post, we are going to share views of online business customers regarding cloud storage security measures, and also suggest the proper solution to achieve data protection easily on their premises.

What Are the Consumers Opinion Regarding Cloud Storage Security?

It’s the beginning of change where IaaS platforms like Microsoft and Amazon are exploring their information center footprints to several locations. It allows data of regulated companies to store content location. At the same interval, cloud storage security measures and controls are helping organizations who take benefit of online software as a service app like Salesforce. These applications are expected to boost up the efficiency and provide a systematic collaboration management system. In cloud computing, online platforms are considered more secure in comparison with IT traditional storage solutions. But, people assume that the same web technology comprises a bundle of challenges within it.

So for these kinds of users, we want to raise a question – Does there exist any of the technologies in the digitization world, which have no risk within it or don’t require security? The answer to this question is going to be No, for sure. Then, why are we avoiding the use of cloud storage just because of its security challenges? Running away from an issue is not at all a problem solution. There are different solutions to overcome cloud computing security challenges. According to us, customers should question How they can stay secure from Cyberthreats while gaining maximum advantage from the cloud? Before the implementation of off-premises solutions, organizations and technical leaders have to understand cloud security risk. It is essential to consider the total increase in Cyberattacks where the cloud is a major target for internet criminals who are looking to breach data or infiltrate machines. At an infrastructure level, the cloud has been proven to be an excellent virus transmitter. If in case one instance has a virus on it, it propagates rapidly because of the method these platforms are scaling up and down. During the same time duration, a misconfiguration in settings of cloud security can lead to big issues. Individuals can incorrectly configure their predefined settings or, might be unable to patch an OS making it vulnerable.

Additional Information – Cloud-based applications can complicate the operations when users desperately desire efficiency. Such kind of situation occurs when organizations make use of Shadow IT to offer work flexibility to their employees.

Experts’ Tips to Enforce Cloud Storage Security in Businesses

It is a daunting situation to secure online content and this is the reason due to which security experts recommend the use of the step-by-step approach. Jayme Metcalfe, the director, cyber risk services at Deloitte, UK, said that ‘One should deeply analyze risk management’. For example – What is your proposed use case of web services? An end-to-end understanding should be there, before the enforcement of cloud storage security measures and controls. Usually what happens is that organizations fall in end-to-end understanding. They desire to shift their work to the cloud but, they ignore the practice to understand business risk.

When used constructively, cloud data security could be a business enabler. Here the challenge is that how a company moves to the cloud with the balance in the opportunity of flexibility and price with the device’s risk, which is giving away. Own set of security posture should be defined and periodically reviewed by the organization’s higher authority. One should learn that the important thing is to assess your cloud security challenges and have a complete understanding of where your content is stored.

Point to Remember – It is essential to understand all IT assets. If companies don’t know what they have got, how could they be able to secure them?

Another cloud data security solution forces enterprises to adopt data visibility solutions. It is core to be known with what data companies have and what is to be protected. A data inventory solution is required, which is commonly not ‘nice to have’ but, important. Data evaluation and monitoring systems are important to have in a business.

Use CASB Solution for High-tech Cloud Storage Security Measures

A cloud access security broker software, which sits in between the cloud service provider and consumer, should be used on-premises. It is a comprehensive solution, which comprises all approaches needed to secure online stored content. CASB is a service provided by a third-party company whose mission and vision is only to protect crucial data (stored on the cloud) of their customers. N number of companies are there that offer security-as-a-service, and one of the best CASB vendors is CloudCodes. The respective vendor enables customers to use cloud technology properly without worrying about the cloud security aspects. It takes the complete responsibility of protecting its client’s data, and timely suggest them with improvements in working pattern to strengthen existing security level.
