Prevailing Public Cloud Security Myths And Their Realities

Marketing Team Cloud Security Expert - CloudCodes Software
  • October 21st, 2020

Public Cloud Security Myths

Myth 1: Security in the public cloud is innately there

Public cloud security has been the most misunderstood of all the cases. The enterprises must know that securing the public cloud is a different ball game altogether and the same security tools and techniques cannot be transferred from the on-premises data center to the public cloud. This does not mean that the cloud is less secured than on-premise also. The cloud service providers offer a layered security approach with the implementation of data and application access, rights management, system monitoring, and strong governance. Yes, indeed public cloud gives security threats and not all providers offer the same kind of cloud security, but enterprises should never think that the public cloud is secure.

Reality 1: Public cloud security is sometimes better than on-premise security

For companies looking to cut resources and costs on cloud security, it would work better if they approach the cloud service providers for a more efficient overall security strategy. This will save them time and also the difficulty in finding the right cybersecurity skills for their teams. CASB solutions can also be used to tighten security further.

Myth 2: Public Cloud Is a Single Platform and It’s Secures than Multi-Tenant

The very term ‘public cloud’ has different interpretations based on cloud usage by enterprises. For some companies, the public cloud may just refer to Google Apps or Office 365. For some large corporate houses, the public cloud would mean multiple infrastructure environments spread across multiple vendors. For some, it might refer to the robust hybrid cloud portfolio, wherein, the public cloud is integrated with private cloud and on-premise infrastructure. So, the public cloud cannot be generalized in particular. But, even in the public cloud concept, there is a huge misconception that a single-tenant cloud is secured than a multi-tenant cloud.

Reality: Public cloud types vary and so do their security considerations

If public cloud environments are to be viewed from a security standpoint, then all are different with different security requirements. There should be a proper demarcation between the specific type of cloud-based on the data that is stored and processed as a part of the public cloud strategy. Moreover, different organizations have different needs and concerns based on their security, compliance, governance, and so on. CASB solutions can be customized as per the cloud security needs of corporate entities.

Myth 3: On-Premise Is Safe and Cloud Security Is Tough to Implement

When it comes to securing the data on-premise, it has ever been simple. When it comes to securing the cloud, where is it that the IT heads fail as you see it in case of data breaches? If on-premise security was really perceived to be safe, then how is it that there are many reported data breach cases as in insider threats also? Hence, only thinking that on-premise data is safe is a mighty misconception that needs to be cleared.

Reality: Hybrid cloud security processes needs planning and new models for implementation

When enterprises secure their hybrid cloud architecture then they need to know that it is not enough if you just move workloads to a public cloud. For a multi-cloud strategy that includes two or more cloud services from two or more different platforms, there is a need for a new way of thinking and culture that is not dependent upon well-defined network perimeters.

Myth 4: Public Cloud Security Responsibility Rests Solely with the Vendor

The common selling point of the public cloud has been its enormous benefits like computing power, scalability, and flexibility that otherwise would be out of reach. While it is true that even a tiny startup can have the best enterprise-quality infrastructure overnight with cloud technology, it doesn’t absolve them of risk with their data and applications. Enterprises need to select the best public cloud vendors who have the best security in related areas according to their needs.

Reality: Public cloud security is a shared concern

While it is true that public cloud providers have the software-defined constructs and APIs in place for customer data security, ultimately it is a shared responsibility of the customer too. Hence, enterprises need to make sure that adequate public cloud security tools are in place if their data is to be safeguarded. CASB solutions are a great respite in this respect, as enterprises can avail them to safeguard their systems.
