CloudCodes CASB for Salesforce Security To Safeguards Enterprise Data

Marketing Team Cloud Security Expert - CloudCodes Software
  • August 19th, 2021

Salesforce, usually abbreviated to SF, is an America-based cloud-computing organization that has its headquarters in San Francisco in the state of California. Though the significant revenue of this firm is coming from cloud CRM, i.e., customer-relationship-management products, Salesforce is also selling some of the commercial social networking applications through internal development and acquisition. In this blog, you will be going to learn how CASB for Salesforce security, safeguards enterprise data & delivers agentless threat protection on any device, anywhere.

What is Salesforce Data Security?

Let us understand what comes under Salesforce data security. is the sales & lead generation component of the Salesforce Sales Cloud CRM platform. Its cloud-based product has been enabling automatic acquisition as well as management of these customer-relationship-management records.

What Is the Work in Salesforce?

The Salesforce product targets employees’ engagement in mainly three areas: one- alignment of the teams & alignment of personal team goals with overall business goals. The second is the motivation provided through public recognition, and the third is the real-time feedback of employee performance. Thus, all-in-all, employees of the organization using Salesforce get encouraged towards meeting their work goals through a particular system, which mainly emphasizes word recognition as well as performance rewards.

How is a CASB Solution Helpful Safeguarding Salesforce Data?

All business houses and corporate entities, even big corporations, as well as use Salesforce alike and the Salesforce ecosystem, provide their teams with an ultimate edge. However, all customers’ data, files, and other sensitive information; in short, the critical Salesforce Data concerning company deals as well as opportunities get stored in this Salesforce data. On sharing this, Salesforce data across the Salesforce ecosystem of its services, theft, and leakage risks for this Salesforce data arises, happening due to inadvertent data sharing or due to privileged user data access abuse. 

CASB solution protects this Salesforce data against such threats without even affecting the benefits and user experience availed in the Salesforce ecosystem. CASB cloud security solutions help businesses to become all the more efficient and flexible while maintaining visibility and data security controls needed to protect the data. It further prevents the loss of Salesforce data and also ensures compliance with international regulations.

All Round Security for Salesforce Data

Access to organizational over independent different locations as well as multiple devices including even the personal devices of the user is sometimes needed by the professionals in sales teams for more flexibility to ensure better work productivity, but this flexible data access approach can at times turn ugly when collided by unknown malign motives of some marketing employees with malicious intent and can also be highly taxing on that firm’s Salesforce data, whose security is compromised considerably when that data is accessed through personal devices, as usually done in Salesforce. 

It augments data theft chances. Such types of situations are curtailed by using some effective CASB solution like the one provided by CloudCodes. Many enterprises widely use CloudCodes CASB for Salesforce security, and they are foreseeing a secure edge to their work fronts through well-achieved cloud security. This CASB for Salesforce security works like an added data security layer and a new cloud security arm, thus protecting as well as governing Salesforce data of organizations for their overall enterprise security

The solution helps prevent this data from any such unintended intrusions as well as any malicious attacks. This solution protects CRM, thus working towards the improvement of work efficiency and work flexibility. It helps in providing real-time cloud security checks as well as granular control to prevent any such data breaches from augmenting enterprise security manifolds.

CloudCodes CASB for Salesforce Security

CloudCodes applies an API connector to Salesforce for protecting the enterprise data without impacting the user’s work. With CloudCodes CASB solution for Salesforce security, users are going to achieve the CRM security approach. This helps in making business more efficient and flexible at the time of maintaining visibility. We offer Salesforce security controls that are utilized in the protection of confidential information, Data Loss Prevention (DLP), and assurance of compliance with global regulations.
