Master the Basic Principles of Your Business Cloud Application Security

Marketing Team Cloud Security Expert - CloudCodes Software
  • November 23rd, 2020

Every phase of deployment and development should improve or at least maintain cloud application security. No matter whether it is about migrating traditional software, exploring the SaaS-based models, or coding custom cloud applications. It is the responsibility of an employee to develop secure technical products with accurate models and online data protection approaches. This post will deliver basic cloud software security fundamentals that software engineers should keep in mind while developing software.

Challenges Faced in Cloud Application Security

Contrary to the moral gained in kindergarten, ‘sharing is not always fruitful’. The survey of Cloud Security Alliance stated that 59% of 176 IT business leaders had faced online information breach incidents. The reason behind the occurrence of this data leakage is unwanted external file sharing.’ Well, 47% of cyber threats existed because of accessing cloud apps from unauthorized devices and, 32% of data breach incidents occurred due to the business content synchronization in lost devices.

When enterprises were asked about their headache operation in day-to-day life, they replied cloud application security. They said that it is the inability of data protection methods that they are using in their firm for keeping up with the pace of updates in software.

The above two are just the result of a survey and now you can imagine the cloud-based application security problems. It seems as if both organizations, as well as service providers, need to learn the anticipation and prevention measures.

What Affects Ongoing Business Data Protection?

Several employees (majorly, software developers) ask why they should be an expert in cloud software security? The real fact is that they are the only ones who can make the industry with online computing technology or diminish it. Following are the points that affect enterprise data protection from developers end:

  • Movement of DevOps and CloudOps – This requires the role of software coder and tester to check the security level of programmed applications. Enterprises might be having operational SMEs in their firm along with security experts but, they are unknown from the regular products developed in the company. This means that it is the developer’s big responsibility to maintain security and notify SMEs with associated points. One needs to understand a thing that ‘communication gap between cloud security experts and organization developers might result in a big loss.
  • Place New Security Models At Right Place – Security architecture like identity and access management should be programmed properly in new applications. A software engineer needs to update himself with IAM functionality and learn how security models of the firm should be placed into the product. If things are maintained from the starting of the product development then, it will result in strong cloud application security.
  • Role of Application Program Interface – The APIs role includes the services associated with the software. This means that engineers should consolidate security and technology in a way that business growth continues with online data protection. It is the decision of software developers whether to take the help of API managers and API security technology or not. This will help them in delivering a secured online application for industry growth.

Cloud Application Security Best Practices

Now a question mark might come to your mind – Where to start from? Following are best practices that will guide you with accurate approaches:

  1. Consolidate Business Security With IAM Solutions – From the beginning point, integrate the enterprise data protection with cloud-based identity management methods. Ensure that the security is holistic and, those marked by creating security apps should use consistent protection solutions.
  2. First Focus on Security Design and Infrastructure – Developers should first put their attention on selecting security architecture and then, go for technology. Since the solution would be more complicated, the infrastructure should have the capability of bearing with several technical changes.
  3. Add Security Tests into DevOps Automation – This cloud application security point asks for the validation of newly created applications. Check whether all business information protection aspects are present in the software or not. This is the core step because the application security level is tested at this stage.
  4. Consider Performance Along with Data Protection – Encryption of data should be made mandatory when information is in rest state or transmit mode. In general cases, IAM does not slow down the performance of the product. To deal with this scenario, developers should contact and take advice from security experts. They will guide engineers to manage security by holding the performance.
  5. Learn About the Compliance Used in Your Firm – It is the responsibility of employees to aware of the compliance list, which is used in their firm. Developers can utilize these compliance requirements for deciding the encryption type.


It is possible to deal with cloud application security if operations are performed in a united manner. Apart from this, developers need to update their skills with recent online cloud data protection solutions. Nothing will go wrong in a business if each and every employee is well-known for their responsibilities. Also, it should be the duty of organizational authorities to timely conduct cloud-based security sessions. This will aware users of trending Cyberattacks and measures to tackle them.
